Right here we have a Chihuahua. The oldest and smallest north american dog.
This guy is as small as the hand of his owner. With those puppy dog eyes who could resist giving this create whatever they want. The ears are slighty smaller from the Fennec Fox, and many believe the breed originated from them. The wieght of the this fellow is about 4 pounds. His nose is stout and he looks like a bad ass with his chain on. He does look a bit sacred but he has a big bark with a soft bite. Their tails are more portional to their body and they are cuter than this outdoor fox.
This is a fennec fox. They live in the deserts of mexico and this little one is a baby taking a peak outside of his home. The ears are very big and he is much hairier than the chihuahua. The eyes are smaller and the tails are much larger and furier. He has wiskers like a cat and can run from prey into his hole fast at anytime. This is the cutest fennec fox i could find. Most of them are scary looking. They look like they have a slithery plan ahead of them. The growling of this one on the bottom looks like an evil villan.
super adorable!