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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Journal 8

Right here we have a Chihuahua. The oldest and smallest north american dog.
This guy is as small as the hand of his owner. With those puppy dog eyes who could resist giving this create whatever they want. The ears are slighty smaller from the Fennec Fox, and many believe the breed originated from them. The wieght of the this fellow is about 4 pounds. His nose is stout and he looks like a bad ass with his chain on. He does look a bit sacred but he has a big bark with a soft bite. Their tails are more portional to their body and they are cuter than this outdoor fox.

This is a fennec fox. They live in the deserts of mexico and this little one is a baby taking a peak outside of his home. The ears are very big and he is much hairier than the chihuahua. The eyes are smaller and the tails are much larger and furier. He has wiskers like a cat and can run from prey into his hole fast at anytime. This is the cutest fennec fox i could find. Most of them are scary looking. They look like they have a slithery plan ahead of them. The growling of this one on the bottom looks like an evil villan.

State Patty's Day -extra credit

Its called “state” patty’s day not saint patty’s day, so there were no saints out this past weekend. State Patty’s day was one wild weekend for Penn Staters and the many out of towners who joined them in this wild pre-spring break party. Drinks were running ramped up and down the streets of state college. Downtown was a hot spot, and local road beaver was filled with a parade of drunks stumbling around with green shirts and plastic jewelry on, yelling, crying and laughing the night away. Anywhere from funky green hats, to Ireland flag covered horns, the state patty’s day pride was in full swing on Saturday. The amount of alcohol consumed by state college on this day is well beyond my understanding. Just from walking around I saw more kids with alcohol then ever before. They were carrying anything from boxes of wine coolers, handles of vladimer, to 48 packs of beer. “Was that a 48 pack? I didn’t even know they had those” I said to myself as a large Irish looking kid from out of town carried one towards an apartment. At the house parties people were friendlier than normal and gave cups out to complete stranger, letting them fill up from the multiple kegs available. Many local bars were told to close by police, or police would pin certain underage’s on them from the past. The reason is they are trying to ultimately eliminate state Patty’s day. Regardless of what they do, people will still celebrate one way or another.
I saw a few cases of mayhem, one on the white loop Saturday night. The bus driver gets up and screams at kids trying to enter from the back of the bus. “hey this is discharge only” the bus driver shouted because there were too many people on the bus to begin with. Again the bus driver shouts into the crowded bus “you in the green shirt get off the bus now.” Everyone just laughed because no one knew who he was yelling at, “Everyone is wearing green” I said to myself. The next stop was the meridian and the bus driver stopped 300 ft after the stop to make sure no one else got on and only people could get off. The amount of people at each party went to astounding numbers with overcrowding drunk college kids everywhere, there were bound to be some fights. A local Frat, hosting a party was not happy when a girl wanted to leave. A nice guy who was not in the Fraternity, escorted her towards the door before being clocked in the eye by a frat boy. He went to the hospital, received four stitches, a damaged cornea, his nasal passage was pushed in a mm, and he also had a crazy story to tell for this week with a nice black eye to make it all true.
Canyon was in usual swing Although the tip bell was being used a lot more. Non-residents couldn’t get enough of the banging bell, so they tipped there dollars on the bell. Canyon wings were very packed as well. A girl working behind the counter mixed up an order and caused one customer to bust out yelling at her. She was yelling back and the two went at it until the owner came and gave the man his rightfully deserved wings. Now McDonalds was even more packed. A cop stood at each entrance making sure no mayhem was going on, as compared to the line at canyon wings. McDonalds was at a controlled mayhem level. People were dropping change; others were picking it up and ordering food with change. The dollar menu seemed to be a favorite for these drunken college students.
Overall State Patty’s day was just another wild weekend here at Penn State. This time with a lot more people and an excuse for everyone to get more wasted than the weekend prior.

State Pattys day

Its called “state” patty’s day not saint patty’s day, so there were no saints out this past weekend. State Patty’s day was one wild weekend for Penn Staters and the many out of towners who joined them in this wild pre-spring break party. Drinks were running ramped up and down the streets of state college. Downtown was a hot spot, and local road beaver was filled with a parade of drunks stumbling around with green shirts and plastic jewelry on, yelling, crying and laughing the night away. Anywhere from funky green hats, to Ireland flag covered horns, the state patty’s day pride was in full swing on Saturday. The amount of alcohol consumed by state college on this day is well beyond my understanding. Just from walking around I saw more kids with alcohol then ever before. They were carrying anything from boxes of wine coolers, handles of vladimer, to 48 packs of beer. “Was that a 48 pack? I didn’t even know they had those” I said to myself as a large Irish looking kid from out of town carried one towards an apartment. At the house parties people were friendlier than normal and gave cups out to complete stranger, letting them fill up from the multiple kegs available. Many local bars were told to close by police, or police would pin certain underage’s on them from the past. The reason is they are trying to ultimately eliminate state Patty’s day. Regardless of what they do, people will still celebrate one way or another.
I saw a few cases of mayhem, one on the white loop Saturday night. The bus driver gets up and screams at kids trying to enter from the back of the bus. “hey this is discharge only” the bus driver shouted because there were too many people on the bus to begin with. Again the bus driver shouts into the crowded bus “you in the green shirt get off the bus now.” Everyone just laughed because no one knew who he was yelling at, “Everyone is wearing green” I said to myself. The next stop was the meridian and the bus driver stopped 300 ft after the stop to make sure no one else got on and only people could get off. The amount of people at each party went to astounding numbers with overcrowding drunk college kids everywhere, there were bound to be some fights. A local Frat, hosting a party was not happy when a girl wanted to leave. A nice guy who was not in the Fraternity, escorted her towards the door before being clocked in the eye by a frat boy. He went to the hospital, received four stitches, a damaged cornea, his nasal passage was pushed in a mm, and he also had a crazy story to tell for this week with a nice black eye to make it all true.
Canyon was in usual swing Although the tip bell was being used a lot more. Non-residents couldn’t get enough of the banging bell, so they tipped there dollars on the bell. Canyon wings were very packed as well. A girl working behind the counter mixed up an order and caused one customer to bust out yelling at her. She was yelling back and the two went at it until the owner came and gave the man his rightfully deserved wings. Now McDonalds was even more packed. A cop stood at each entrance making sure no mayhem was going on, as compared to the line at canyon wings. McDonalds was at a controlled mayhem level. People were dropping change; others were picking it up and ordering food with change. The dollar menu seemed to be a favorite for these drunken college students.
Overall State Patty’s day was just another wild weekend here at Penn State. This time with a lot more people and an excuse for everyone to get more wasted than the weekend

Monday, February 14, 2011

journal 6

1. There are bright lights and a still silence is in the room. Its 6:30 on a Tuesday night and I am in the Student athlete Study hall. Reading an article I am soon interrupted by my teammate snoring. We have only been in for a half hour and fellow wrestler is passed out cold in front of his angel computer screen. I realized he is exhausted from practice, as was I, but it was only 6:45, I knew there had to be more to the story. “He decided to go to bed last night a 2am” someone whispered across the room, hearing his snore. This really affected him dramatically. His day was long and it started out with a 6:15 morning workout, then class, then practice at 3, and then finally study hall. It was way too much for a body to handle without the rest needed, the night before. Only get roughly four hours of sleep makes it harder to tackle on the day. It seems the day has finally caught up to him and he laid face first on the keyboard with his mouth wide open and drewling. What a shame it was to watch a teammate suffering his school work and athletics, and overall performance because of a facebook addition he had that is keeping him up night after night. He needs someone to coach him through this and set his priorities straight. He was moody the whole day and his body is showing sign and symptoms of sleep deprivation. He is flush red in the face, his eyes look like purple punching bags and he can barely keep them open to speak.

2. “it’s a problem that been around for a long time and will be around for a long time, everyone knows they need more sleep but getting it is the tough part.” Jahn Beavers (junior/Business major)
“Yes, I think academic success is proportional to sleep.” Brandon Phillips (freshman/DUS/student athlete.)
“When I hit that snooze alarm I wish I could just go back to sleep forever” Justin Ortega (sophomore/197 pound starter for PSU’s wrestling team.)
3. An average of 63% of college students do not get enough sleep, according to a recent study done by the national sleep foundation. www.stateuniversity.com/.../Sleep-Deprivation-A-Common-Occurrence-for- College-Students.html,
According to the HealthTree, teenagers are actually at risk of developing depression from their lack of sleep. They say stress is the leading cause of sleep deprivation. Teens that aren’t getting the right amount of sleep are 3 times more likely to be depressed than a student who is getting all their sleep. http://www.healthtree.com/news/research-and-development/teens-may-need-more-sleep-to-combat-depression/,
Sleep is something all our bodies need, in order to keep everything, including your vital organs functioning properly. About 8 to 10 days is the high limit one person can stay awake before experiencing signs of pain, hallucinations, and overall perception. Although they do say with 1 to 2 night of recovery sleep that person is fine. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=how-long-can-humans-stay,
A study done by the journal of adolescent health says that only 30% of students sleep at least 8 hours a night. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/160265.php,

4. The research I want to conduct further is the effects of Thon, and what it does to its dancers. Interviewing people during and after this event will help give me insight into what kind of effort these people are putting out. I want to know how long it will take the average college student to recover from dancing for 46 hours with a tight college schedule. Do students want help with managing their sleep? Or do they think the problem is incurable. Is facebook and the internet playing a huge factor in the lack of sleep.

Monday, February 7, 2011

journal 5 "Frank Sinatra has a cold"

Part 1
1. The writer explains Sinatra in depth on his ultra pressured life. The man with the voice, and without that voice a miserable person. Frank had a cold. He was no ordinary man and at the time was more famous than anyone. His posse consisted of a few men and good older looking women. He was very distant and this is what made the story different from others. How would Gay get the info on Sinatra? Readers were very intrigued to find out, just by the title brings you in, “Frank Sinatra has a cold”.
2. He has a few ladies and kids to go along with. He is still considered single and doesn’t let his age stop him. His life looked glamorous but because frank took his job so seriously he was under a lot of pressure to sound great all the time, He did not enjoy it as much. If and when frank did a show with Nbc, he had cold. He felt his performance was so bad he did not want to go back on the air until fully recovered.
3. Yes. There are certain scenes that bring the reader into depth of Sinatra’s personality. The setting is a great way; Gay showed how frank would act in public and the difference of having a cold to go along with it. There is a description of him at a bar along side with many of his friends, him not doing much but looking off into the distance. He is very well dressed as always but not too flashy. The crew of his delegates knows frank is not himself. The sit and watch him as he sulks and drinks at the back of the bar.
4. Gay was in a dilemma when trying to Frank. The man had a cold and was not even willing to strike a conversation with his closest friends. Although there are many personal observations of frank the only real interviews are from his friends and closest people of the man with the voice. I feel the writer described frank very well with observation and what other close people knew about him. The ideas were concrete and gave a realistic feel on how frank would act in situations, “what he was like, as an overall person”. Although I do feel the writer leaves you guessing to what frank would really say at certain times.
5. He gives you the information he received from the many countless hours of observing frank. Also his family and friends give Gay what they feel is the truth on the man and his wonderful voice. He wants you to have the idea of Franks life and personality but leaves it open to you for further insight to look at frank and say you could really know the man. The pressure of his voice makes him very different from the average man.

Part 2

Gay Talese’s magazine story of Frank Sinatra has a cold, written to profile Frank Sinatra for Esquire, it inspired many. In the Fifty minute long interview Gay insights us into his life of journalism. How he is able to get information from his profile people. He goes to his life as a child and explains how he was an ultimate eavesdropper. Listening to the conversations of his mother in her dress shop in south jersey really inspired him. He said the number one thing to getting to know your subject is trust, which his mother had with all her customers. Next you needed patience and time. Nothing will come too quickly and with time you earn trust. The way to keep up your observations and progress is to write it all down at the end of the day. Whatever gay remembered he wrote down from that day on his subject. Any person he has ever wrote a story on he still is in contact with today. Gay brings up his days of getting into college and knowing the right people to luckily get into Alabama. He refers to the different ways in which his mother and father talked of the war around themselves verses when speaking to their clients and customers. This inspired Gay to learn what his subject really wanted to hear. He knew if he gained the trust of their friends he could eventually gain the trust of them and get valuable information he need to make his story work. The way he does this is through time. You cannot get trust from your clients without time and patience. I felt the interview was helpful to me so I know how to approach my subjects and not rush things.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Journal # 4 party school

The hour long radio broadcast of the # 1 Party school, definitely portrayed the idea that Penn state is without a doubt the school for drinking and its location in state college doesn’t help. I feel it was bit overblown but well documented. The interviewing of several local residents made it seem as if their lives were centered on keeping the house safe from loud drunken crowds of college students parting from Wednesday to Sunday until the early am hours. The evidence shows that partying at Penn state is basically part of the curriculum. There was a lot of interaction between the reporters and students who were local crazed night goers seeking the ultimate college experience. Reality is something different and there is only so much to say about what the average college student is expected to do. Penn state may be widely recognized for its drinking and overall love for their school. It is expected that college students will drink. Though many of them who do are still able to maintain a healthy lifestyle and balance of school work and play. The non partiers at penn state are closely numbered to the amount that do drink. The rudiment of school and club filled activities shy them away from drinking and into doing more productive things. Although if you want to party here it is very easy, agreed. There is also so many other fun things to do here and around stat college. The investigator seemed to have dwelled on the fact of the only fun is going to some sort of party/ tailgate. Almost every night there is an event and or club meeting. The hub offers many late night activities to do for fun without causing mayhem in the streets of downtown late night. Although this so called mayhem the store owners and delivery boys brought up is not what you would normally think of. State college is also ranked the safest metropolitan area in the U.S. “I wonder why” it because the so called mayhem is not crime and destruction, it is happy valley spirit. Many of the students feel where they are, is the best place to be, so the show it, especially on the weekends. The spirit is filled with singing down Main Street with a large number of people you may barely know but all are a part of one thing, which is We are Penn state. The scares of death from drinking and the loss of Joe Dado have opened the eyes of Penn states board. They know they will not be able to stop drinking and the in state college, but want to help. The president of the school joked about how penn state is ranked top for almost anything which is very true, and partying just came along with those other great achievements, such as athletic and academic successes. Overall the town has a tradition of having fun, while representing the lion. Drinking is a long time thing that just is a part of the lifestyle for many. Working and success come along with hard earned respect and honor, but we know that everyone needs a break sometime.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

journal # 3

                In the writing “Shitty first Draft” by Anne Lamott she explains to me that writing is a process that doesn’t not occur in one sitting. You really have to let yourself go when writing you first draft. It is just a time to get whatever you are thinking down onto a page. Write as if you were a child expressing your emotions fully after getting yelled at by a grown- up. Anne helps me to realize that writers are nowhere near perfect; they are just like the rest of us. They don’t just have vision and sit down once, writing a beautiful story without corrections. They all write shitty first drafts, to just get something down on paper. Then after do corrections and write an up draft which mean a fix it up draft. The process of writing is simpler than we perceive it to be. People see writing as a complex objective with only one chance to get it perfect on paper. Well it is very complex but the chances you have are limitless. If you write one time you will only get so much out of the first draft. After reviewing, editing, and adding/ deleting one will see a huge improvement in the overall quality of writing and the finished product compared to the “shitty first draft”.
After reading this I will allow myself to let it all out when writing my shitty first draft. I have actually recently been using this method in writing some of my college papers. I would just get a pen and paper and write my story as if I were just thinking it in my head. The words would not always flow but just come out as my brain told me. Because I can make scribble marks on regular paper it is more relaxing for me to use a pen than computer. When I write my first draft for my personal narrative I now have a more confident approach to start off my paper. I now know that it is ok to just write whatever you’re thinking, free of errors, and free of ridicule, just write. I know after I can come back and correct and change whatever I don’t like in the “shitty first draft”. Also I can always just start again. Even if I find only one paragraph that is relatable to my topic I know I have made a successful first draft. It is really just to get your mind focused on your topic while you let everything else out the window. It may be that the one paragraph you found could be the hook/conclusion/topic, or introduction to your story that was really needed to make your story readable.
Overall I would say just to let things fly when coming to starting a write. You can always come back and correct your mistakes, and change whatever is not fit for your paper. Anne knows as a writer you feel like you’re pulling teeth just to get down a rough draft. Writing doesn’t have to be like this. After you write a shitty first draft your writing will get better and overall bring it together and make your writing a much more relaxed journey to a finished paper.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

journal 2 "shirt worthy"

            After reading the piece “shirt worthy” there is a lot of memoir and pathos described into the read. Although they are more indirect then direct, you obtain and understanding for both of them. This pertains to an older crowd of retired rockers realizing how much the rock and roll industry has changed. While back then it was all about going to see your favorite band and getting a t- shirt after a long and grueling concert through “blood sweat and tears” as described in the reading; Now receiving a t- shirt is as easy as going to hot topic to get one.
            The narrator of this story is a rocker who has now become a father and is no longer in his glory days. He has a son now who loves the Romones band and desperately wanted a Romones T- shirt for his 10th birthday with no real reason besides that he “wanted one”.
             The father thinks back to his days as a minor and his first concert where he came very close to being “shirt worthy” while his brother bought a shirt and he borrowed it. He did not know the rules to wearing and owning a rock and roll t-shirt. His brother explained to him that wearing a “Pleasant Dreams” T-shirt and or “rock and roll paraphernalia had to be hard-won, meaningful and scented with personal experience.” You couldn’t just wear the shirt without having meaning behind it. Not that anyone these days would notice, especially in the state of Ohio.
 The father set out to the mall where he found the new era of rock and roll, starting with the store that changed it all, Hot Topic. He then realizes how much it has changed and there is no real meaning behind these t-shirts compared to his day. He bought the Romones T-shirt for his son but his pathos regretted not explaining to his son the real meaning of owning one. The father knew times had changed.
The boy was ecstatic and thanked the father. The father was in a state of only caring for his son, he didn’t want to let his memoirs take over when raising his child. While at a cook out the boy first wears his new T-shirt. He is running around with the other children enjoying his appearance, as the parents sit and talk on the patio.   
Soon after the boy comes up crying to his father, he ripped the new Romones shirt on the fence. One of the parents said “no, that’s good you made it better.” The father new this was true because it now had meaning to the shirt but he couldn’t explain this to his son at a time like this. He was afraid of bringing back memoir on his son.              
Instead he bought the son a new shirt and then the father would now own a ripped Romones shirt and was now “shirt worthy”.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Communicating in a world of conversation

In my time of both writing and speaking, I've had my ups and downs in the English language. As a writer it is a great way for me to express myself and show emotion on the paper. Writing at times is easy for me, being able to just freehand and talk what I am thinking on paper is simple. Although, it is much more complicated in the writing world we live in. I know I need to improve on my ability to organize thoughts into a controlled pattern. In just, I need to follow the rules of writing more. In example my overall grammar and organizational skills in essays are not where I would like them to be. I have strength in detailing my stories, keeping my reader interested. Though realizing there is also a certain science to writing which I need to get down pact. Learning how to explain myself with proper writing techniques is essential to my writing success.  I know there is a lot I still need to learn about English and hope to learn the most I can over this course semester. Books in general help me escape the everyday life and become involved in whatever world the book I am reading is in. For me setting is an important part of understanding where the writer is coming from. One book I love is Hatchet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatchet_(novel) . Although I haven’t read it in a while, the book has great detail in the setting of the wild and how the young boy reacts to the new situations. While stuck in a forest alone with dangerous obstacles ahead of him, the boy fights to survive. Also, The alchemist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Alchemist_(novel) is an interesting book in motivating the reader on making good life decisions and following your dreams. The writer takes you on a journey with a Sheppard boy who is in search of his own personal legend.